Tuesday, 15 April 2008 - 1:49 AM EDT
Home Page:
Konnichiwa! I am Silver-san AKA SelviraMuunlite Nightfire :) It is a pleasure to meet you. In SL, I am usually found with at least one of my sisters. I love helping them in any way that I can.
At the hamanachi, you will most likely see me onstage either telling a story or a short series of poems. I usually host in the ochaya once a week as well as performing in as many shows as I can manage with my busy RL work schedule.
I am available for chat any time I am online. Please be advised though that I do appreciate generous tips if I am to entertain privately. Also know that I am not an escort and have no interest in sexual relations in SL. I am simply an artist... or more simply put, I am to be a living breathing work of art.